Nutrition Resource Page

Nutrition is one of the most helpful, efficient and delicious ways you can improve upon your health or even minimize complications from your diagnosis! You may have heard about different extreme fad diets to help you lose weight fast or “detox”. These plans can seem effective, but we highly advocate for a sensible, long-term approach to this part of your self-care. We encourage you to ask your Doctor at your next appointment what the best, sustainable plan might be for you. If you could benefit from alterations to a specific plan or need guidance on certain foods, our Doctors may ask you to discuss the plan in more detail with our Dietitian.

Emily Laurin of Eat Live Nutrition, PLLC is our resident Registered Dietitian.
Please call her at (716) 217-1004 to make an appointment. Currently, she is in our office every other Wednesday.

Generally, our office recommends a few, different ways of eating to accomplish your health goals. Please discuss the possibilities with your doctor at your next appointment, and make a date to speak with Emily to learn more and determine your specific needs within that plan if needed. She can help you find foods you love that will fall into the framework of the plan that will help you best!

Specific plans we might recommend for specific situations, altered accordingly to your personal health goals:
(please discuss these plans AND alterations with your Doctor or Dietitian before starting them)

General Good Health Plans:


Other Helpful Nutrition Resources for Specific Diagnoses:


Eat Live Nutrition – Emily Laurin, MS, RD, CDN (Also Alden Medical Group’s Registered Dietitian consultant)

General Good Health (UTD)
Healthy Diet Overview (Free “Beyond the Basics” Article)


American Diabetes Association (ADA)
ADA Diabetes Food Hub (Recipes)
ADA Diabetes Forecast Magazine (“Healthy Living” Recipes)
ADA Diabetes: Explore Food Section (Start here if you are wondering what you can eat with Diabetes!)
ADA Making Healthy Food Choices
ADACreate Your Plate!” (Interactive model where you can add foods to see how they add up to your ideal plate!)
ADA Diabetes Superfoods (please check with your Doctor or Dietitian before making any of these foods a regular part of your eating plan)

CheckIn COPD Resource Page (Includes information on treatments and even some of the best foods to incorporate or avoid if you are managing COPD.)

Heart Health

American Heart Association (AHA)
AHA5 Easy Ways to Find Healthier Options at the Grocery Store
AHA Healthy Eating Resource Center
AHA Resources for Dining Out
AHAAdd Color” Page (adding in a rainbow of vegetables for a healthier plate, with helpful infographics – such as the kinds of fruit you can add by color, building a healthier salad, and more. This link also includes a link to sign up for help in keeping you on track with your changes!)


Medline Plus (MP) DASH Plan for Hypertension